PythonRio the place to improve your skills

Henrique Lopes
2 min readApr 7, 2019

What's PythonRio firstly? It's a local python group, where the people meeting to talk about python and other things related with technology. It was my first presential event in this year and I started on the right foot, I watched fours greats talks.

  • Orientação a Objetos com Python — How & Why — Gabriel Amazonas.
  • Mil problemas em um — Fernando Ismerio.
  • Guia do Pythonista da galaxia — Andre Fonseca.
  • Python + Pandas no âmbito da automação de sistemas elétricos de potência — Angelo Adenyr.

PS: When I have be access to slides, I'll share with you.

I would like give a special attention for Guia do Pythonista da galaxia, It was a talk for beginners, but I could see some situations that I can use and I use.

All the people are beginners in some moment

In some time in your life you were a beginners in something, python, bike, fortnite and etc. And you needed study to learn how to program in python for example. But python universe it's big, if you working with web you will explore web frameworks and how to integrate with a ci/cd and anymore. Some time you'll help, but some time you'll need help, remember this.

How you can help?

It's simple, for example you can create a stackoverflow profile to help a beginners with a simple mathematical problem. You can help a beginners with your pull request on github. You can create a blog to teach the step by step to build api with python or another lang.

How you can search help?

Haven't fear, all the people are beginners in some moment! Search for a local group about python or another interesting topic. I use the meetup for it. You can create a profile on stackoverflow to share your questions.

Thank u to read till here.



Henrique Lopes

Software developer who likes to solve software problems using an old technique, the conversation.